Wednesday, July 1, 2009

NECC09: School 2.0: Progressive Pedagogy and 21st-Century Tools

School 2.0: Progressive Pedagogy and 21st-Century Tools
chris lehman

What is good

these teakss from the tools

Research rss (delicious google wikipedia)
Collaborate (wiki google docs ning)
Create (drupal podcasting blogging)

Tools don't teach, they change the way we teach

hard to do as a single teacher; iterative process, not do once

Common language to produce common inputs, common process, common outputs

5 core valuse:
Inquiry, Research, collaboration, presentation, reflection (metacognition);
use UBD as process;
Outputs: project based, so every quarter project benchmark with common rubric

Step1: Blank UBD template:
goals: understandings: essential questions:
big idea understanding versus content understanding
what students know vs what they will be able to know
assessment evidence

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