Monday, October 26, 2009

National Educational Technology Plan Webinar

20091026 webinar national tech plan

National coalition for tech in ed and training

Jim Shelton office innovation and improvement doe, barbara means sri, linda roberts netplan, melinda george, mark schneiderman


Reality-oportunity in crisis; failure of system to serve students well; economic crisis;

We must get dramatically better in increasing productivity of our sector; this plan how we fundamentally improve student learning; improve effectiveness of educators

Barbara: different from prior: this is to be something with transformational vision; also wanted draft by end of 2009; group of 16 people working on draft; now outreach and info gathering

ID 4 themes: learning assess & continuaous imrpovement, teaching and productiviyt & infrastructure

Learning: enabling unprecedented access to high quality learning experiences

Assessment: measuring what matters and providing the info that enables continuous improvement process at all leve3ls of ed system

Teaching: new ways to support those who support learning

Productiity & infra: ubiquitous broadband infrastructure to support all these goals . Redesigning systems and process to free up ed system resources to support;


Jim-Focus on low income first; as prices drop, how get tech to students; difficult with current funding environment;

?-more of the same not what we are looking for;

How will plan relate with state plans? Hope for bubble up and trickle down; \

Funding: how plan address funding? Framework drive policy action;

Any recommendations for skills to be taught? Any relationship with Partnership21cs?

Group aware of partnership; some efforts , eg 8th grade tech literacy; need to look globally at tech literacy

Ntechplan deal with growing Gap with equity?

Not just equipment; very first topic technical working group tackled; can't answer yet, can say want it addressing

Hope to see examples of networking often prohibited in many schools

Well intentioned policies ha ve limited students to important educational resources;

R uecommendations to erate? Fcc broadband plan comment period right now; hope for alignment;

How will plan address dropouts? 2 ways to look a this: address students already in this stage & engage students while we have them

What role for teacher pd in plan?

Talks about supporting supporters of learning; move away from one-occasion and more online, finding time in busy schedules--this will be theme in plan

Higher ed--teacher training divide? How guide professors of ed?

Welcome input; some discussion for needs of preparing teachers;

Hybrid mode emphasis and assessment techniques; more in alignment with what we expect them to do with their own students

Not gotten volume of response we expected;

Problem plan: how many audiences we write to, the more we add, the less likely to become policy;

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