Friday, June 20, 2008

Framing Research on Technology and Learning: Implications for Teacher Educators

Monday, June 25, 2007

Framing Research on Technology and Learning: Implications for Teacher Educators

Early childnood
1) design on what we know about learning
Importance of play
Observation informs instruction
2)context of four developmental dimensions
3) ICT potentiall important ot you leanrings and impact development
tech that takes advantage of children's emerging skills
4) explore concepts in way not possible without new tech
5) mixed methodlocies to produce data rigourous and detailed
Quantiative, Qualative, scale

Literacies in multiple medias

how to relate burgeoning use outside school to use within school
unique uses of tech using still and moving images, simulations, use of probeware; eg use hi def video with probeware; can also get videos on youtube but not explanation wrong; it is not oxygen gone air expands and contracts; if you have pressure and temp probes along with video

studies look as specific tech, eg text2speech, graphic organizers, but not many that look at effectiveness of all together; this is the future trend

NECC 2007 Planner | Planner

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Assessing Students' and Teachers' Technology Skills: NETS as Benchmarks

Monday, June 25, 2007

NECC 2007
Assessing Students' and Teachers' Technology Skills: NETS as Benchmarks

Mila Fuller, ISTE with Don Knezek

Monday, 6/25/2007, 10:00am–11:30am;

Handouts with these links
Certiport | Home - Microsoft certification in basic computer skills
nita bBrooks, K12 Solusiotns

TechLiteracy Assessment : measures and reports technology literacy for elementary and middle school students
Laia Jackson, Market Manager
800-580-4640 direct 503-517-4445

PBS TeacherLine | PBS
Tim Lum, Director of Marketing

Mary Ann Wolf, Exec Director 410-647-6965

Teacherline is 130+ courses for teacher instruction; we offer the ISTE capstone program with 3 courses: how embed nets into the classroom; allows teacher to view nets and use in classroom; not for new teachers, need experienced teachers, particularly leaders; want teachers who can articulate at classroom and district level
Capstone Intro
Capstone1: teaching with tech
Captsone2: empower students with technology
Can get ISTE certification; Library of multimedia exhibits: video of exemplary teaching, readings; discussions about teaching and learning with tech
Personalized portfolio with artifacts and reflections showing standards in practice

SETDA: 8ht grade literacy requirement has 2 pieces--federal requirements and what is best for kids
Fed required but no reporting to feds, now state had to report how many tested and results of how many passed Alia Jackson

Have online content,
TechLeteracy Assessment: online authentic assessment, criterion referenced, automatic reporting at district school, class, and student
elementary veriosn gr 3-5
MS version 6-8
across 7 modules: database, multimedia/presentations...
based on NETS S; which assess mult choice and other assessments
performance based, so they simulate applications that they complete tasks
Feedback that databases difficult, so set up library database simulation;
these simulations provide authentic assessment of uses
as proctor you can set daily time window to keep students out at night.
Angoff standard setting method:

Certiport Laia Jackson
ceriport does industry certifications; sole partner for microsoft mous; now also adobe j]
Benchmark and Mentor programs
220 quesiotns for IC3 certification; benchmark questions and then mentor helps you learn
Living Online module: use internet email effectively including copyright, privacy, also networks
Key Applications module
Basic Computing module

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NECC Session: Integrating Real-World Data in Classrooms

Monday, June 25, 2007

Notes from
NECC 2007
Integrating Real-World Data in Classrooms

Liesl Hotaling, Stevens Institute of Technology with Greg Bartus

Monday, 6/25/2007, 8:30am–9:30am;
CIESE: Integrating Real-World Data in Classrooms
Collaborative projects include finding circumference of the earth; need collaboration to highlight points for real data;
Run these twice a year

Real time data is data happening right now, eg weather, air quality, ocean, ; use webcams, monitor news
showed example of national weather temperature today;
eg time site shows daylight on the earth
can calculate roughly number of hours per day with width of shadow

Example of a math story problem of time ship takes to go somewhere;better if use noaa hurricane tracking for students to solve prlbem
Stowaway adventure on handout

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Resources: Web 2.0 tools

Monday, June 25, 2007


NECC 2007
Cool Tools: Incorporating Web 2.0 Tools in the Classroom

Nice handout with lists of Web 2.0

Kathy Schrock's Home Page: Shedding Light on Web 2.0

has a nice list of Web2.0 tools

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Program Evaluation Tools and Strategies for Instructional Technology

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Notes on:

NECC 2007 Program Evaluation Tools and Strategies for Instructional Technology 978-251-1600 x204

doing program eval for seven history grants

redoing alabama tech plan, help them develop own measures to take ownership; districts need to make meaning of data being gathered for state.

Handouts and PPT:

NECC 2007 Workshops

Qualitative as well as quantitative; mostly qualitative in our work;

Many eval summative, but should be both formative and summative

By Definition, Evaluation…

Is both formative and summative

Helps clarify project goals, processes, products

Should be tied to indicators of success written for your project’s goals

Is not a “test” or simply a checklist of completed activities

Qualitatively, are you achieving your goals?

What adjustments can be made to your project to realize greater success?

Page 5 in the workbook diagram (slide A Three-Phase Evaluation Process)

Indicators drive the data collection

not throw out the net and see what happens; often data collection same way; rather design survey on what you know you are looking for;

Handout: tasks

1. initial mtg getting to know partners

2. estabish identity of eval

3. establish project lead

4. create contract work (works schedules, procedures:

5. create eval committee

6. hold first eval committee mtg purpose to create project benchmark indicator rubrics and data collection expectations

7. establish schedule fo radditional committee mtgs thoughout year

8. establish reporting schedule

9. review and finalize rubrics and data collection tools

10. create data collection schedule

11. collect data

12 data analysis

13. reporting

#5 Feel very strongly that evaluator works with a committee of stakeholders; participants have to do the work of the goals, wouldn't you want them providing input on the eval process; if not students then parents advocates for students

handout: (slide nine) Project Sample - diagram of logic map called Supportive Reading Environments

  1. project inputs: needs, what is project addressing;
  2. Strategies
  3. Intermediate goals outcomes or bojectives
  4. Ultimate project goal or outcome (or vision)

Eval question related wording in intermediate goals; wording is "To what extent have...[wording of the goal]." Dont' want to word it yes/no "have they or haven't they"

Rubric 4 levels; highest level is the Wow level; mix of quantitative and qualitative

Indicator statements criteria (slide 13)

We looked at some proposals and had to develop the logic map: needs, strategies, intermediate goals, ultimate goal. Then spent time discussing rubric ultimate

To Summarize...

Start with your proposal or technology plan

Logic map the connections between actions, objectives, and goals

From your goals/objectives, develop evaluation questions

Questions lead to indicators

Indicators are organized into rubrics

Data collection flows from that rubric

Evidence/Data Collection

Classroom observation, interviews, and work-product review

What are teachers doing on a day-to-day basis to address student needs?

Focus groups and surveys

Measuring teacher satisfaction

Triangulation <> with data from administrators and staff

Do other groups confirm that teachers are being served?

focus on just survey not very reliable since it is self reporting data; may be more cost effective but need to triangulate

It does no good if not disseminate reports

School committee

press releases

community mtgs

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Getting the Most Out of Your Technology Project

Notes from:

NECC 2007 program - Getting the Most Out of Your Technology Project

Elizabeth Byrom, SERVE Center at University of North Carolina—Greensboro with Jenifer O. Corn and Beth Thrift

Saturday, 6/23/2007, 8:30am–11:30am; GWCC B405
Serve Center REL for NC, FL, GA, MS, SC

We read example of an EETT Grant proposal & discussed

Eval two different focuses: internal formative evaluation, purpose may be different than external summative evaluation;

SERVE developed Cape:

Capacity for Applying Project Evaluation CAPE

Evaluation Capacity Building - Evaluation Framework

Eval planning
  • Mapping project logic
  • Clarifying strategies and objectives
  • Defining eval questins
  • formattting benchmarks
  • Selecting methods an dmeasure
  • contudinting the eval
  • Drawing inferences
Logic map: graphical representation of relationships among key elements
[this adds extra points to federal grant proposals]

Learning From Logic Models : An Example of a Family-School Partnership Program - Publication by Harvard Family Research Project - HFRP

Once have logic map, then use eval questions to focus on portions to be evaluated
Impact Questions (based on objectives)
Implementation Questions (based on strategies)

Eg If objective that students acquire tech skills, then need tool like ISTE/Microsoft-created Technology skills eval

Methods and measures
Quantitative or qualitatve (not easily measured with numbers)
Data dictated by eval questions;

Data steps
  • collecting
  • storing/organizing
  • analyzing
  • interpretting
Informal data--for eval to be purposeful and systematic, data must be relatively formal: collected, soted/organize, and analyzed wiht some degree of rigor

handout: tips for data steps

Instruments and protocols
School Tech needs Assessment STNA or stenna
Looking fo rtech Integration LOFTI
Technology and school-family-community partnership survey
Professional devel questionare pdq
Rubrics for Lesson plans and student products
Reflection logs

Evaluation Capacity Building - Data Sources: Examples

STNA is free and you can ask for building/district to take online by emailing:

STNA handout-
about 80 items
know hwat staff members thin and feel about
leaderhsip, planning, budget
infrastructure and resources
prof devel
classroom practices wtih tehc
impact of tech on students

Share results back with teachers for most effectiveness; frustrated with "black hole"

STNA developed from ISTE, engauge, etc common themes from literature
version 3.0 removed NCarolina specific content; v2 tested validity and reliability

Classroom observation protocol

Evaluation Capacity Building - Looking For Technology Integration LoFTI
LOFTI gather evidence of how tech is actually being used
This is different from what people think or feel is happening

developed on best practices, 21st Cent skills
If resistance, Make clear not on teacher performance, only on school level,; may want to give different name than observations (connotation of teacher performance), eg protocol for tech info collection instrument

Technology-Partnership Survey
Online like STNA for teachers, parents, and community members
Determines perceptions to plan decisions about using tech to suppor tfamily and community involvement efforts

Based on epstein's Six type of involvement framework

Evaluation Capacity Building

Five Cirtical Levels fo PD Evaluation (PDF Survey)
based on Guskey

Rubric tool

Teacher Reflection Log

Strongly encourage getting evaluation team of stakeholders;

SEIR*TEC Presentations
Grantwriting info

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

LaptopInstistute08 Notes: Doug Johson-- Internet Jungle

Doug Johnson Website - dougwri - Survival Skills for the Information Jungle

Skill 1: Do you know where you are going?
eg don't ask discussion question that you already know the answer if you want good discussion; therefore research on genuine question much more meaningful

Eg Write paper about the olympics of ancient greece or What would your faviorite athlete of today have done in the olympics of ancient greece?

Plagiarism is a cognitive, not just ethical

Level One: research about a broad topic, can use general reference resource, no personal questoin
Level two: answer question to narrow the foucs, need various sources
Level three: quesiton of personal relevance, consult not only seconary sources but primary sources
Level four: can inform decision-makers as they make policy; suppor tconclusiton tnat contains a call for action on the part of an organization; plan to distribute this information

Inquiry should be everyday event, eg reccommendation of dress for next day weather,

Skill 2: Stay on the trail
Skills in:
free commercial databases
choose search engine
effective searching
not clicking on irrelevant/inappropriate sites

effective searching:
keyword is unique, synonyms, alt spellings, truncate

Google Advanced Search

Are you an Internet infohaulic?
look for obective info at .com sites?

If it is not on the internet, it is not worth knowing

Skill 3:
Learn to tell the good berries from the bad.

Eg Velcro crop

Usually it's not so obvious: which are most credible?
Center for Disease Control
Bestseller Hotzone
Insurance companies/hms
personal webpages/chatrooms
radio talk shows

verify --find in multiple sources
Authority--expert in what?
Bias -- .com is most likely selling something; will give more emphasis of facts than falsehood
Protocol--if anonymous, then difficult to trust

Wikipedia--teach kids to be skeptical; if controversial, look at discussion tab; writers post reasons for posting;
eg find inaccurate and change it

Skill 4:
Don't just gather sticks--make something

much involves just creative paraphrasing;

Higher order thinking skills:
Grouping evidence
Judging improtance'credibitly
Anser possible critics
Devending choices
Insight and creativity

Why do we need old people?
Is it right or wrong?
Is it true or false?
Is it beautiful or ugly?

Skill 5:
Learn to play the drums

Why allow /encourage students to publish; Web 2.0 sharing with others a no-brainer: blogs, wikis, rss, nigs, socialbookmarking, photocare, facebook; what would juliet's facebook look like

level of concern for content goes up when audience broadens

Skill 6:
Prepare for the next trip by learning from the last

Authentic assessment tools
Content and mechanics
Multiple assessors -- parents assessment
Tools for growth rather than tool for sorting

Safety on the Trail
Ethics--the 3 Ps
aPpropriate use


LaptopInstitute08 Notes: Jim Moulton Keynote

Change happens when standards are evidence in locally relevant experience.

service based learning; do a heifer project;

Transformative use of technology; place-based learning; what are the challenges of your place
Electronic papers--don't live there.

NCLB assumes attainment of knowledge; need to know what to do with it, and who you know;
Let A=what one knows
let b=wjhat pme dpes wotj wjat pme lmpws
:et c=who knows and cares what one knows and what one has done
(A x B)^C

TPCK - Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - TPCK
Kiva - Loans that change lives

LaptopInstitute08 Notes: Doug Johnson keynote

People skills will be just as important as technology skills; kids today will have watched less TV than their parents
Book: victorian internet
"tyrannize their teachers"
"innovator has for enemies all those hwo have done well under the old condisitions and lukeward defenders in thsoe who may do well under the new "

Our curr is mile wide, inch deep; tech incorporates depth;
1950 60% could go to work with no additional skills, now fewer than 15%s

Doug Johnson Website - Welcome

Doug Johnson Website - Presentations

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Getting started on my "real" blog

This past year+ I have been blogging on my workplace blog at TIE, which has been a great experience. While TIE has given us quite a bit of leeway for blogging, I do find I hold back on many ideas because some topics may be "edgy" enough or laced enough with personal opinion that the organization may not deem it appropriate for their blog (more by my own restrictions than theirs). Deep down I know some ideas, thoughts, and concepts could at the very least be thought-provoking or, even better, action-provoking for others--yet the hesitance usually wins.

Then I read Will Richardson's blog
Weblogg-ed » My Blogging Legacy
I think that dream brought to light another aspect of why I blog. Not just to reflect. Not just to learn. But in some small way to leave a trail for those who come after me. I certainly can’t predict to what extent those people might find any of this relevant or compelling or useful, but I know I would love to have the chance to dig through the work of my own mother, to learn about her more deeply, to understand who she was and what she stood for. If nothing else, my kids will have that opportunity.
While I have no delusions of having a following anywhere near the Will Richardson's of the world, I do think his words prodded me to realize it is time to express myself more deeply than the work blog allows. Thanks for the nudge, Will!