Saturday, June 27, 2009

necc09 Cell Phones for Classrooms, Calendars, and Life Management

create a backchannel chat: video

Rules for cell phone: if it is out, must be used for class, if not, then shut off; if leave for bathroom, then must put phone on teacher desk

Survey: How many have cell phone that will:
make calls; send text messages, take pictures, take videos, send picture messages, send video messages, access the internet

How much does it cost you to:
  • make call (monthly access rate for airtime + cost for minutes you went over/ number of airtime minutes)
  • send text message (monthly access rate for messages+cost for messages you went over/ number of messages)
  • send video message
  • Access Internet

make sure unlimited text is mobile-to-mobile as most are not web-to-mobile

Consider freebies:
  • audio recording on cell phone that doesn't require phone call
  • take pictures not sent as message
  • record video not sent as a message
Get a hold of old cell phones to get 100% availability

determine cost per assignment and percent availability

share phones, can students really see it? truly two, so if 50% or less availability then teacher truly can't use it ; if cost per assignment over 0.99, zone of cost prohibition without permission

graph percent of students availability and cost per assignment; if 100% and zero cost;
cell phone using voice recorder, photography, video all offline (with deactivated cell phone available)

Must get permission to use student phones even if low cost

must survey to know the costs to know what capabilities you can use in classroom; survey and calculate your zone of optimal use

book Lisa guerin smart policies for workplace technology
60% teens drive while texting

4:30 monday session talking about this issue with scott mcleaod

Picture policie-- eg bathrooms, locker rooms, etc.--are important


QR codes; Barcode hardlinking; snap picture of barcode to text you info or take you to webinfo;

Wed 12:00

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