Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Classrooms for the Future: Development of 21st-Century Skills and Online Supports for Project-Based Learning in U.S. High Schools


classrooms for the future: one of the largest in nation $180 M project
provided tech and coaching support; nearly 95% of schools in penn

contracted penn state ; built on nets but really about school reform
eval surveys teacerh and students twice a year, observations by principal and submit twice a year, and achievement data dept of ed;

one of 44 research questino
is ther a difference in attention paid to ...

observations :
visual it
sic lit
cultural lit
teaming or collab
exommun skills
social responsibility
self direcdtio

student quesiton : my classes are helping me build skills that will help me be successful int eh modern workplace

used metiri setda 2003 surveys; 60% direct use, not adapted from this

levels on use and importance:
direct instrucitojn
mediate student thinking
collab learning
indpendent study by teams or individual

independent study into 10 schools--no sig difference

teachers are attending to 21cs
many teachers believe that 59% or more of their instruciotn dedicated to 21cs
student increasingly exposed


much pd and coaches

Online supports for pbl

jason ravitz
buck institute for education

gates funded eval found pal is most commonly cited instructional strategy
online featurs contribute to pal use
survey 1200 pal using teachers 400 valid responses ; public hs teachers core subjects; invested in pbl in workshops or products
some high profile school reform models: new tecdh hs, high tech high, envision schools, nor cdar new schools pro, center for effective school practices, san diego renewal
pbl includes: extended investigation, in-depth inquiry, student self directions or choice, presentation of resutlts or conclusions
Online Features: resources lists, project libraries, design and management tools, collab tools, student feedback , teacher feedback, access to experts (in order)

1/2 or more time spent on pbl 25-80%
lack of pd--small schools low percent rate it as a challenge
lack of time in curr to carry out proj--much higher percent

use of :
online collab tools
tools for linking you or students to outside experts or other schools
studet post work to get feedback
you to get feedback
tools created to help you or students desing and manage projects online
online collection of pbl

teachers who spend more time on pbl also use more features above
correlation high

large comprehensive hs much less likely to use online feedback and resources

even when control risk takers, there is still relationship between pbl use and online resource use

further questions: how tech use differs when pbl is used

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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