Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Next Generation Professional Development: Learning about Teaching and Vice Versa



core challenge
shifts in the knowledge and skills society values
development of new methods of teaching and learning
changes in the characteristics of learners

emerging info tech sreshaping these and changing how we learn
if we were to redisign educ not to make history models of schools more efficient but instead to prepare students for 21c

automation vs amplification

many scientific discoveries make knowledge obsolete

new tools for 21c
microsoft video productivity future vision
life-size telepresence with translation
complex visual interfaces on touch screens
digital ink cards, transfer from screen to paper and back, customized newspaper

precursor to future web2.0:

The spectrum of web2.0 media
sharing (asocial bookmarking, photo share, etc)
thiknking (blogs, podcasts,)
cocreating (wikis, mashups, collective media creation, collaborative social change commuities)
may 2009 educational researcher

science is now done by distrubuted teams sharing

implications for research
thru commmuncal bookmarking geo distributed research group could continuously scan for resources

web2 requires fluency in rhetoric
almost any piece of info can be found online
greatest change in epistemology: represented by wikipedia vs britannica
strengths and weakness to both; understand knowledge is now bottom up and adult top down

Jenkins framework for new literacies
play, performance, simulation, appropriation, multitasking, distributed

Leu's characteristics of new Literacies
novel skills for emerging ict tools
new literacies central to full economic, civic, and personal participation

one big challenge for teacher PD: education infeasible to use industrial model; rather distributed model in time, space, people
parent tutors, informal educator coaches, community mentors
schools of education prepare teacher, tutors, coaches mentors

core principles of PD
important issue is not technology usage but changes in content, pedagogy, assessment, and learning outside of school
continuous peer learning is the best strategy for long term improvement

web2 and

collaborative problem resolution via mediated interaction:
problem finding before problems solving
comprehension by a team nto indiv
making meaning out of complexity: using sophisticated tools, recognizing and matching patterns, judging value of alternative forms

situated learning and transfer
eg medical internship
classrooms removed from opportunities


how do you measure sophisticated psycho-social? paper measures invalid;

NSES model of inquiry
identify question that can be answer thorugh sic investigation...

students complete virtual quests; logfiles indicate with timestamdps:
where studnt went, whi whom the commun, what artifacts they activated, what database they viewed; what data they gathered , what streenshots

backend database so teacher can read through what student do

what does this mean for pd

differences from item based tests: multiple forms of complex measures
products of inquiry: create conclusions and select evidence
gather data and interview people

formative diagnostic rather than summative
measure while still able to do something about itl; richer more substantive; can replace summative

much based on mobile devices; to get out of industrial school, something NOT a laptop

national tech plan not technology but different system of education
read the learning section of the plan

hardest problem in PD is not learning but rather UNlearning

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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