Monday, June 25, 2007

Assessing Students' and Teachers' Technology Skills: NETS as Benchmarks


NECC 2007 
Assessing Students' and Teachers' Technology Skills: NETS as Benchmarks

Mila Fuller, ISTE with Don Knezek

Monday, 6/25/2007, 10:00am–11:30am;



Handouts with these links

Certiport | Home - Microsoft certification in basic computer skills

nita bBrooks, K12 Solusiotns


TechLiteracy Assessment : measures and reports technology literacy for elementary and middle school students

Laia Jackson, Market Manager

800-580-4640 direct 503-517-4445

PBS TeacherLine | PBS

Tim Lum, Director of Marketing


Mary Ann Wolf, Exec Director 410-647-6965


Teacherline is 130+ courses for teacher instruction; we offer the ISTE capstone program with 3 courses: how embed nets into the classroom; allows teacher to view nets and use in classroom; not for new teachers, need experienced teachers, particularly leaders; want teachers who can articulate at classroom and district level

Capstone Intro

Capstone1: teaching with tech

Captsone2: empower students with technology

Can get ISTE certification; Library of multimedia exhibits: video of exemplary teaching, readings; discussions about teaching and learning with tech

Personalized portfolio with artifacts and reflections showing standards in practice

SETDA: 8ht grade literacy requirement has 2 pieces--federal requirements and what is best for kids

Fed required but no reporting to feds, now state had to report how many tested and results of how many passed Alia Jackson

Have online content,

TechLeteracy Assessment: online authentic assessment, criterion referenced, automatic reporting at district school, class, and student 

elementary veriosn gr 3-5

MS version 6-8

across 7 modules: database, multimedia/presentations...

based on NETS S; which assess mult choice and other assessments

performance based, so they simulate applications that they complete tasks

Feedback that databases difficult, so set up library database simulation;

these simulations provide authentic assessment of uses

as proctor you can set daily time window to keep students out at night.

Angoff standard setting method:

Certiport Laia Jackson

ceriport does industry certifications; sole partner for microsoft mous; now also adobe j]

Benchmark and Mentor programs

220 quesiotns for IC3 certification; benchmark questions and then mentor helps you learn

Living Online module: use internet email effectively including copyright, privacy, also networks

Key Applications module

Basic Computing module

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